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  SUNNAH ALMANAR ROYAL STINGLESS BEE HONEY World’s foremost Superfood and The Mother Medicine for many illnesses   Our Stingless Bee Honey comes from the oldest rainforest in the world and is free from pollution, pesticides, chemical and gluten. Scientists and researchers attest to its many health benefits. It has been traditionally used to cure many illnesses through centuries.   Our product is Halal certified from the Government of Malaysia and also a winner of Malaysia’s Prestigious MATRADE 2016 EXCELLENCE EXPORTERS CATEGORY.   Stingless Bee or Trigona Bee in Malaysia, producers the finest grade, high quality and 100% pure honey and propolis products that are rich in anti-oxidants, anti-fungal, anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory.  The honey is light in colour with delicious sweet & sour fruit taste. These honey are naturally suitable to cure illnesses through traditional treatment methods such as diabetes mellifluous, stroke, hepatitis, high blood, sleeping disorder, menstrual issues, cancer, hypertension, kidney stones, gout, cough and increase Sexual Stimulant. Honey from stingless bees is known for its nutritional value. It is more nutritious as ordinary honey. A point of interest is that it has 16 out of 20 Amino Acids a human body has. The honey production is much less when compared to ordinary honey. Normal honey bee can produce up to 40 times more honey than stingless bees. The average honey production by a stingless bee colony is about 350 grams to 1 kg of honey in a year. This makes the honey from stingless bees more expensive and rare.    In  terms of nutritional value and benefit, it surpasses the normal honey many times over.   Please google on ‘Benefits of Stingless Bee Honey’ and you will be  surprisingly amazed to its many health benefits   Get a Life – Get Stingless Bee Honey today    

  • Location Malaysia
  • Telephone +60-19-470-1100
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